It Happened This Week


I took the week off.  And by "week" I mean last Friday through maybe - okay, probably - this coming Tuesday.  We've all been sleeping in.  I haven't been working out.  I've been eating whatever I wanted to eat whenever I wanted to eat it.  I've watched two SVU marathons and roughly 32942092 episodes of Roseanne.  I've done the bare minimum when it comes to keeping the house sortakinda clean. I have drunk more wine than Coke Zero and pretty much no water.  And it's.been.awesome.  Great week.  I wish we could have "the holidays," like once a month.  'Course, I'd probably weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of six HUNDRED pounds.  But, damn, I'd be happy.

Before I get on with the pic-cha's, let me share a few things I've learned this week off:

1) It does no good to fall back on your party girl roots and yell, "puke and rally, puke and rally!" when you have a kid pulling a Linda Blair. For starters, six year olds don't know what it means. And also? "Rally" to the kindergarten crowd means spending copious amounts of energy driving you effing nuts. Like to the point of you beginning to wonder if you'd rather just clean up puke than deal with their rallying ass.

2) Buying your 2.5 year old daughter her own bracelets and lip gloss so she'll leave yours alone? Worst idea ever. She eats the lip gloss, we're still stepping on beads in the living room, and my make up brushes are more precious to her than any of the toys she received from Santa.

3) Wreck-it Ralph is a seriously cute movie. Also? Even though it's been out for awhile does not mean that would should assume the theater will be practically empty on a Friday afternoon showing. One would be wrong. Very wrong.

4) Drinking + Instagram can lead to some pretty interesting pictures. And by interesting I mean 293042 pictures of the EXACT SAME board game.  Winning!

5) I want a Dream Lite of my very own. 

6) Just because a four-year-old asks for a Spiderman Stunt City toy every single hour of every day for MONTHS and dances and jumps up and down and yells, "THIS IS WHAT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED!" when he opens it does not mean he will play with it past Christmas day.  Four-year-olds are kind of assholes, y'all.

7) Gus's Fried Chicken was the most crowded place in Memphis on Wednesday afternoon.  Even with snow on the ground!  (This is southwest Tennessee, people, no one here likes to get behind the wheel when there's white stuff on the ground).

8) Sometimes my level of lazy can surprise even ME.  Like when I'd rather lay around the house with Netflix, the remote, a Coke Zero, and a turkey sammich than GO SHOPPING.  That's right.  The extent of my after Christmas shopping was . . . three rolls of wrapping paper.  I'm not sure whether to be amazed or disappointed.

Anyway.  Pictures of our week.  Only three more pictures and another year of P366 will be completed -- my THIRD year!  I have a picture for every single last day of 2010, 2011, and 2012.  And I think that's pretty damn cool.


Out of focus and the girl isn't even bothering to look.  Such is life.  Such are most of our Christmas photos!

The real star of this photograph is neither one of the kids (including the Snaggletooth wearing his LOWE'S Build & Grow apron to COOK) but rather that shiny, beautiful, RED crockpot that was a Christmas present from myr gandma.  I needed a new one and this one is much larger and, basically, just plain awesome.  Thanks, Mawmaw!
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