It Happened This Week


Last night I sat down on the living room floor with a piece or two (okay, okay five) of peanut butter fudge and a glass of wine, turned on Scrooged that I DVR'd a couple weeks ago, and got to wrapping.  I did most of the girls' stuff the other night and now all the boys' stuff as well as a few other things are all wrapped.  And it's still two weeks till Christmas.  Yay me

That was last night.  (Oh!  What else happened last night?  Robert Griffin III took home the Heisman!  The first Baylor player ever to be a finalist and he won!  Way to go RG3).  Here's a look at what we did the rest of the week:

Sunday 12/4:

Monday 12/5:
We got our gifts from my brother and his family on Monday.  Ohmygawww.  Jaidan would not STOP.  "Can we open one? Just one? Please? I only want to open one."  I finally relented and let them open one (then Karis took it upon herself to rip open Zhariah's).  Guess what?  "Can we open another one?  Just one more?  Please?  I only want to open one more."

Tuesday 12/6:

Wednesday 12/7:

Thursday 12/8:

Friday 12/9:
It's been COLD the past few days.  Like temperatures in the 40's.  And these boys have been insisting on playing outside.  Gahhh!  And poor Karis sits at the door and cries, "I 'on go ou-si!"

Saturday 12/10:

And, if you're interested, here's a look at our 25 Days of Christmas projects for the week:

On Sunday we made our Holiday To Do List.  Monday we started reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (I absolutely love that book.  Best Christmas book ever, hands down.  But I think my kids are still a little young for it.  Boo.  Jerks).  Tuesday we watched Charlie Brown Christmas and Wednesday we elfed ourselves.  Thursday we did some handprint art, Friday we made reindeer brownies, and yesterday we made peanut butter fudge!
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