It Happened This Week



The husband person and I are leaving this afternoon.  Destination: New Orleans . . . i.e. favorite American city EVER.  And.  AND!  Tomorrow afternoon we'll prepare for some "bon voyage" and I'll be totally annoying Eddie by constantly proclaiming, "I'm on a boat!"  And.  AND!  Just a few short days from now I'll be knee deep in the water somewhere.

My plans for this vacation include the following: sleeping, eating, laying on the deck in the sun, sleeping, eating, putting the world away for a minute, sleeping, eating, sleeping, aforementioned being knee deep in the water somewhere, sleeping, and eating. 

I'm not sure what I'm more excited about.  The sleeping or the eating.  On the one hand, I have three children and yesterday morning the small girly one woke me up at 6:30 a.m. by putting her cold feet (which had been sock-covered when she went to bed) on me.  On the other hand - -FOOD.  'Nuff said.

In retrospect, planning this trip a week before Thanksgiving probably wasn't the best idea in the world when it comes to gaining weight and all that.  The best idea, of course, would've been to leave this past week.  Because, ya'll?  If I have to hear one more rant about the election, Imma kick a kitten.  A cute and cuddly one. 

A look at the week that was.  By the way -- I was way lazy in my picture taking this week.  Some of these, well, the kids are cute but the actual photos look like they were taken with a disposable cira 1996.  Just sayin'.

P.S. -- I am literally putting the world away for a minute.  No wifi, no 3G, no nothing like that from mid-Monday to early Saturday.  I have a few posts scheduled for during the week though!
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