I headed back to reality on Monday, dabbled my toes in it a little bit yesterday, and today it is hitting me full force. There is laundry to be done, a kitchen to be cleaned, a meal plan to be made, grocery shopping to be done, and a refrigerator to be cleaned out. Oh, and also children who need love, attention, adoration, and to be kept out of my makeup bag (I'm looking at YOU, Kare Bear). I'm also still in full on Recovery Mode because I'm not 24 anymore and, therefore, I'm still tired and probably will be until sometime in March. I'm also achy and sore and going through my pictures makes me wish I was still theeeeeeere (only with a little more sleep).
It's a good thing there's absolutely nothing going on for the rest of February because it might take me that long to tell all the stories grom this trip. For now, though, I'll just ease you in with a few pictures. Of course, it's me so "a few" could very likely turn into 238498242 (I lie. I only took 675) with a complete essay to accompany each one.
Tina, Dahlia, and Mo drove in from Chicago on Thursday. They wanted to try some Memphis BBQ so we took them to Rendezvous. If you ever go to Memphis, please let me know and I'll tell you exactly what to order when you go to Rendezvous. 'Cause you WILL go to Rendezvous. Kthanksbye.
Wasn't it nice of winter to show up the one weekend I was desparately seeking 80*? (Shut up. I KNOW I'm always desparately seeking 80* but I really, really, really NEEDED it for last weekend).
It was cold for most of the weekend. Friday wasn't quite as cold but it did rain. And we totally walked 1.5 miles in the rain to throw down on a sammich at Mother's. WORTH IT.
When we go to Vegas, we stay in a hotel on the strip. In Nola, though, we rent a house. And some of the best times of the weekend happen IN the house.
What you can't see here: Shots being shoved down our throats by someone who may or may not have been a transvestite. I love New Orleans.
New Orleans is just a TuTu Type of Town, ya know?
We love bachelor parties!
I may or may not have kissed every single person in this bachelor party. Including the old dude. What?
Doesn't everybody brown bag it on a swamp tour?
I think this guy could've benefited from a tutu
Tomorrow -- let the stories begin!