It Happened This Week


Let's get the important stuff out of the way first, shall we?

  • I lost 2.6 pounds this week.  We'll pretend last week's little rant on metabolism never happened, mmkay?  I'm down a total of six pounds and I only have one to go to be back where I was in October.  Which is definitely do-able by the time I leave for New Orleans.  And I hope that pound is gone before February 5th so I can pig out during the Super Bowl.  Which I'll be watching at home.  With my kids.  I don't care though -- I'm all about celebrating when Tim Tebow is not a part of it. 
  • I attribute this 2.6 pound loss, in part, to being able to GO OUTSIDE and burn calories.  We were able to get out and walk, um, four days this week.  (Oh and Mother Nature decided to be a HUGE B-word to us yesterday and temps didn't get out of the 30's - after it was close to 70 on Friday - which meant I had a baby girl who sat by the back door and whimpered to go "ou-shide" constantly).
  • We worked this week on Jaidan learning his address and phone number.  He has the address down.  The phone number . . . notsomuch.  I only know one phone number from memory and that's my own -- I'm not exactly setting the best example of what to do in an emergency when your iPhone is dead.  #parentingfail
  • I started tweeting again this week!  I actually went over to Twitter to be an asshole to someone and got sucked in.  Freakin' Twitter.
  • I said I wasn't going to drink any alcohol again until Nola but I had two glasses of Moscato the other night.  I blame it on my children.
Pictures of our week:

Sunday 1/15:

Monday 1/16:
Doooood.  She looks like her Daddy in this picture!

Tuesday 1/17:

Wednesday 1/18:

Thursday 1/19:

Friday 1/20:
This little turd.  She hasn't taken a nap this week unless I take her for a walk "a wawwwk!  A wawwwk!" and she falls asleep in the stroller.  Oh, and if she DOES happen to take a nap that's longer than, like, 45 mintutes?  She won't go to sleep at night.  She is SO MUCH like Jaidan was at that age.

Saturday 1/21:

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