Kyan was the hand model for the little turkeys -- and he wasn't too happy about it. They are all made out of fabric with ribbon for the legs and beaks and felt for the gobble gobble thing-a-ma-bobbers. The plan is for everyone to flip them over sometime before or after dinner and write on the back what they're thankful for. Then we're going to put them in our "Thanksgiving Time Capsule" so that we can pull them out every year and read what we were thankful for.
Zhariah got crafty again yesterday. She and Jaidan made this:
It's an old peanutbutter jar and it's filled with "turkey toes" (candy corn). I told them they should give her a name. Jaidan suggested Allie. Zhariah suggested something I cannot even begin to attempt to spell that has me worried about what my future grandchildren may be named. In the end, I told them the name had to start with a T. Therefore, she is Terica Turkey.
Zhariah got crafty again yesterday. She and Jaidan made this:
Way to go, Mom, on picking up the paint cards with the names in places that absolutely could not be cut off. Way to go.
2) The Hogs are #3 in the nation. This makes me happy.
We play LSU on Friday. We need to win. Then we need Alabama to lose on Saturday. Then all will be right in the world. Well, in my world.
3) I have not purchased one single solitary Christmas gift as of yet. Not one! But, due to some changes in our Thanksgiving schedule, I am going Black Friday shopping this year. Here's to getting at least half of the shopping done then! (Oh please oh please oh please oh please).
4) Speaking of Christmas gifts, I told Eddie that I would rather have a Big Girl Camera than an iPhone for Christmas. I'm not 100% sure he's on board with this idea seeing as he happens to know the history I have with cameras. I already told him that my Big Girl Camera would never, ever go on a Whore Trip with me. That I would only bring along my trusty little point and shoot. That the Big Girl Camera would be used for pics of the kids and to, hopefully, hone a hobby of mine. He made me promise to stop calling it a Big Girl Camera.
5) This is what I did on Sunday:
I got rid of some toys! I have a hard time actually throwing toys away -- my kids have so much and there are so many that have nothing, I just cannot trash a toy -- so I only threw away the things that were broken. I filled up the storage box with other stuff. Karis' little toy kitchen will be added to that after Christmas -- Santa is planning to bring her a new one but I don't want to do away with the old one just yet lest one of the boys realize what's going on.
6) I hit up the Goodwill and Once Upon a Child yesterday. $65 got seven pairs of jeans, two shirts, and two pairs of shoes. I saw this at OUAC:
As Kyan would say, "What in the WHAT WHAT?"It was only $4.50. For the entire suit! I was tempted to buy it. Just because . . . well . . . I mean, really. THAT in a size 4T.
7) I've decided I need this book. I've also decided that I should have written that book. And I'm totally stealing the SEC Tailgate Tour idea!
8) My hubs is on vacation this week. Has been since around 7:00 Sunday night. It took all the way to 10:00 yesterday morning for me to feel the need to punch him in the throat.
I love my husband and I love spending time with him. But the kids and I get so set in our routine, you know? And when he comes along doing things like offering Snickers bars for breakfast then going and taking a nap it makes me want to punch him in the throat!
9) The boys are getting haircuts today. I think while they're having Man Bonding at the barber shop, my girl and I are going to head to the mall in search of boots. When I mentioned this to Eddie yesterday he told me wanted to be with me when I picked some out so I didn't get any "Pocahantas looking" ones. Heh?
10) I . . . I mean Zhariah . . . made a 110% on her Powerpoint project we . . . I mean I . . . did over the weekend. And it was for MATH. I feel like I should reward myself with something from Great American Cookie Company at the mall today . . .
I love my husband and I love spending time with him. But the kids and I get so set in our routine, you know? And when he comes along doing things like offering Snickers bars for breakfast then going and taking a nap it makes me want to punch him in the throat!
9) The boys are getting haircuts today. I think while they're having Man Bonding at the barber shop, my girl and I are going to head to the mall in search of boots. When I mentioned this to Eddie yesterday he told me wanted to be with me when I picked some out so I didn't get any "Pocahantas looking" ones. Heh?
10) I . . . I mean Zhariah . . . made a 110% on her Powerpoint project we . . . I mean I . . . did over the weekend. And it was for MATH. I feel like I should reward myself with something from Great American Cookie Company at the mall today . . .