It Happened This Week


I have a feeling I'll regret every saying this approxomately eight minutes after winter break starts but . . . I am ready for the holiday break!  I'm ready to have time off from the absolute cray cray that is getting out the door for school in the mornings.  I'm ready to sleep in a little bit (Ha!  Hahahahahahaha).  I'm ready for the cookie party and other fun things we have planned during the days the kids are off.  I'm not ready, though, for the inevitible arguing, fussing, fighting, back talking, and general carrying on.  Sigh.

A look at our week:
We have had absolute wonderful weather this week.  Most days in the 70's.  Ahhhh.  Bliss!
THIS boy was the most excited kid in Memphis yesterday.  He's been waiting several weeks for that tooth to come out and yesterday he was finally able to pull it.  He was so excited!
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