It Happened This Week


Happy Easter!

Eddie has to work today so the kids and I are experiencing a low-key Easter.  They tore into their baskets this morning.  We'll have ham and all the trimmings for dinner tonight.  And, in the meantime, we're going to spend a lot of time outside playing with our new Easter toys!  And eating chocolate.  And, for me, playing on Pinterest for the first time in forty days!  And . . . possibly . . . naps?  Kyan woke me up at exactly 6:18 this morning.  *Yawn*

Easter is always the holiday that reminds me most of my Granny -- and the holiday that makes me miss her the most.  When I was growing up, Easter was always spent at her and my Grandad's house.  There were always a ton of kids and approxomately 3248928429 eggs and enough food to feed several armies.  Good times.  Times I wish my children could experience.


A look at the week:

Sunday 4/1:
I was telling my cousin the other day that I had done this . . . the whole storage bins as swimming pools thing.  She asked me if I got the idea from Pinterest and I told her it was from  then I thought about running home and seeing if that domain was taken. I could totally write a site with the best ideas in raising our next generation of rednecks.

Monday 4/2:

Tuesday 4/3:

Wednesday 4/4:

Thursday 4/5:

Friday 4/6:

Saturday 4/7:

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