Home Decorating 101


I might have mentioned - just a time or two - that I'm in the process of decorating my house.

Not redecorating, mind you.  Just plain old decorating.  The house I've lived in for going on TWO AND A HALF YEARS.

We're all about the procrastination up in here.

I don't have a good "before" picture of it (and right now there is [still] a huge ass basketball goal in there) but it looks something like this:
Nothing on the walls.  Nothing actually IN the entryway, exception being that it ocassionally becomes a catch-all for shoes.  Fun.

But I have big plans.

I'm looking for a table to sit against the wall -- I don't want to buy anything brand new so I'm checking out Goodwill and resale shops and when yard sale season rolls around again, I'll be on the look out there too.  I'll put framed pictures on top of the table.  Perhaps different little seasonal decorations.

The wall is going to be my canvas wall.

I took this picture right here:

Cropped the food out of it (ohmygawwwsh, those crab nachos were the bomb(dot)com) and created this:

It's a canvas from Canvas People (you can get a free 8x10 canvas -- just pay shipping -- I bought my mom a canvas for Christmas and I really wish I'd found this deal then!  Maybe she could've got two or three!).  My plan is to end up with five canvases - this one of me and Eddie and then one of each of the kids.  They'll be hung in the front entry way.  I have a canvas sign with our last name and some sort of cutesy quote that'll go on top of the pictures.  I can't wait to get the other canvases ordered.  I think it's going to turn out so cute!

Now if only I could figure out exactly how I want to decorate the REST of the house . . .
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